HomeBlogHow Can I Remove Staining from Bonded Teeth?

One of the benefits of cosmetic dental bonding is the treatment’s ability to blend in seamlessly with surrounding teeth for a natural appearance. However, if a bonded tooth becomes stained, this can reduce the quality of the results and require an adjunctive solution to restore a natural look. Although bonded teeth are polished upon application, they are still susceptible to staining—especially from food and drink with darker pigments (coffee, tea, soda, berries, red wine, turmeric, etc.) or tobacco products. Fortunately, there are ways to correct staining on bonded teeth with the help of a dental professional. Our cosmetic dentist in Elgin, Dr. Dean Lodding, shares tips to help fix these little imperfections and reclaim a luminous smile. 

Professional Polishing

A visit back to your cosmetic dentist may be all that is necessary to remove the stain from your bonded tooth. By using a professional dental polishing technique, most superficial stains should be lifted from the bonded material safely and easily. Keep in mind, this method may not work for every situation depending on the severity of the stain and the type of bonding utilized.  

Bonding Restoration

If the bonding has completely absorbed the stain or if your older composite is beginning to turn a yellowish-brown color, it has officially moved below the surface and polishing alone will not be enough to remove the discoloration. For this circumstance, the original bonding will need to be removed and replaced with new material for a fully refreshed appearance. 

Porcelain Veneers

If you find that daily habits or other factors are contributing to persistent staining on your bonded teeth, a more permanent solution may be a porcelain veneer that covers the entire front of the tooth. Dental-grade porcelain is extremely stain-resistant—even more so than a tooth’s natural enamel—and can last for many years, even decades, when cared for correctly. 

Generally, understanding how to prevent stains from forming on composite bonding may help to avoid the need for stain removal. It is best to maintain proper oral care, such as daily brushing and flossing, and routine dental cleanings and examinations. Limiting the aforementioned highly-pigmented food and drinks can also be helpful; however, if you cannot stay away from such products, it’s recommended to drink water, rinse your mouth, or brush your teeth immediately after. Lastly, avoiding all tobacco products and refraining from smoking can help to evade unnecessary staining on dental bonding.

For more information about stain removal for bonded teeth, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lodding or a member of his team, please contact us today!

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