HomeBlogNew Study: Gingivitis Bacteria can Affect Your Immune System

Research shows that more than 75% of American adults have some form of gum disease but most are unaware of it.

Learning About Gingivitis

In order to understand the significance of this statement some important questions need to be answered, including:

  1. What is gingivitis?—Inflammation resulting in gums that are red, swollen, and bleed easily.
  2. What causes gingivitis?—Inadequate brushing and flossing, resulting in thriving bacteria that form plaque and tartar on your teeth, which in turn can lead to inflammation.
  3. How serious is gingivitis?—Left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis (a severe form of gum disease). One side-effect of this condition is inflammation that can eventually destroy the bones, gums, and tissue around the infected area, and even lead to tooth loss. Numerous scientific studies also point to the link between periodontal disease and other serious medical conditions including diabetes and heart disease.

New Study Reveals A Surprise

New research has also revealed an interesting discovery as to what makes gum disease that much more of a formidable foe: it manipulates your body’s immune system. According to a research report published by the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, the bacteria known for causing gum disease (Porphyromonas gingivalis) is the culprit.

This bacteria manipulates your body’s immune system to disable the normal processes (inhibits the function of T-cells) that would otherwise get rid of it.

It is hoped that armed with this knowledge, treatments can be further developed to help prevent the development and complications associated with gum disease.

To keep your smile at its best, the best line of defense against gingivitis and periodontal disease is to develop a good habit of oral hygiene. This includes regularly brushing and flossing in order to prevent the development of plaque and tartar. Bi-annual visits to your leading dentist in Elgin, Dr. Lodding are also vital to professionally remove any evidence of tartar, and to diagnose and treat any signs of gum disease.

Contact our office today for help in achieving your gorgeous smile that’s both happy and healthy.

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