How to Get Rid of a Tooth InfectionA tooth infection can endanger your oral health and your general health. Caused by a buildup of bacteria that affects the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues inside the tooth’s pulp, a tooth infection can result from severe decay, an untreated cavity, a fracture in the enamel, or even just poor oral hygiene routines. Some of the symptoms of a tooth infection include extreme pain and/or pressure in the tooth, an abscess that creates a lump in the area of the tooth, tenderness, swelling, tooth discoloration, sensitivity, and a chronic bad taste sensation. In some cases of tooth infection, there may be no overt symptoms whatsoever. This is why it is so important for patients to not only schedule an appointment with an experienced dentist as soon as they start experiencing symptoms, but also to ensure they are maintaining their routine dental exams and cleanings so that asymptomatic tooth infections can be identified and treated as quickly as possible. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available to get rid of a tooth infection and save the tooth from extraction. Root canal therapy is typically the best way to treat a tooth infection. A root canal is designed to eliminate the infection while sealing the nerve chamber. Once these steps are complete, we typically advise patients to have a custom dental crown placed over the tooth. A crown is necessary to restore the tooth’s structure, enhance its durability, and renew its appearance. The placement of a dental crown following root canal therapy can protect the tooth from further harm while yielding aesthetic and functional results that look and feel as though the tooth was never damaged. A root canal is a standard procedure that has been effectively utilized in dentistry for decades. Advances in root canal therapy over the years have made this treatment more comfortable for patients, and most individuals can resume normal daily activities on the same day they have the treatment. Smile for Life Dental also offers sedation dentistry techniques for patients with dental anxiety who want to make sure they experience the most relaxed root canal procedure possible. Ultimately, root canal therapy can reduce the debilitating symptoms of an infected tooth, decrease the chance that it will need to be extracted, and diminish the oral and overall health risks that a tooth infection can cause. If you suspect that you may have an infected tooth, or if you simply would like to schedule a dental exam to ensure your dental health is in good shape, please don’t hesitate to contact us today! Last Post Main BlogNext Post