How Your Next Dental Visit Could Save Your LifeAre you aware a visit to our dental office could actually help save the life of yourself or a loved one? Our commitment extends beyond helping you achieve healthy teeth and a Hollywood smile. We also take very seriously our obligation to assist you in fighting against the progression of a mostly unseen enemy— oral cancer. The Oral Cancer Foundation reports… Continue Reading
Pro-active Oral DNA Testing Protects PatientsMaintain your healthy lifestyle with Oral DNA testing Yes, the American Association for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) has a long name, but also shares in extending human lifespans! Through pain-free oral DNA and cancer screenings, accompanied by thorough examinations of the mouth’s tissues, information essential to your health can be gained and acted upon. Believing everyone deserves not only a beautiful smile… Continue Reading
Escape Operative Complications with Oral DNA TestingNo two patients are alike. Individual have their own unique bacterial profile, brought to light through Oral DNA testing. This test can indicate the type and quantity of bacterium within your oral cavity. Why should this interest you? Consider the following example. Sally requires a total joint replacement implant. The process is involved and the recovery uncomfortable. Did you know oral bacteria… Continue Reading
3 Tests to Assess Dangerous Oral DNAHeart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer — what steps has Dr. Lodding taken to assist you in their prevention? Acquaint yourself now with Oral DNA testing. Puffy, red gums may seem fairly inconsequential to you, but be warned they can have devastating effects on not only your teeth but also on your overall health. In fact, it could mean your life…. Continue Reading
Oral DNA Testing by Dentist Helps Prevent Disease!Are you aware some people are predisposed to develop gum disease? Are you one of them? Have you heard of Oral DNA testing? Research indicates that inadequate oral health may influence the severity of other conditions in our bodies and our overall health. If your oral health is poor, you run a greater risk of developing heart disease, respiratory disease,… Continue Reading
Oral DNA Testing Permits Periodontal Breakthrough!Are you predisposed to periodontal issues? Does it matter if you are? Learn how oral DNA testing by our Smile for Life Dental professionals can save you some literal heartache! It’s estimated that as many as 90% of the American population suffer some form of periodontal disease or oral infection, though the majority are unaware of the signs. Of minimal concern to… Continue Reading
Protect Your Health with Oral DNA TestingMonitoring the health of your mouth benefits your whole wellness. Dr. Lodding believes in the best preventative care possible, which is why he performs oral DNA testing on your regular hygiene cleanings. These tests are quick, easy and non-invasive, and the information they provide is well worth the test. There are three types of tests that can help Dr. Lodding… Continue Reading