Flossing is the new Viagra!Smile for Life Dental always encourages patients to floss every, single day. However, there is a lot more to flossing than you think. Did you know that flossing will help your sex life? Yes, in Dr. Dan Sindelar’s book Refresh Life: Oral health is the missing piece, adding years to your life, and improving your overall well-being!, he states, “Flossing… Continue Reading
Xylitol’s Role – Protecting Teeth, NaturallyThe war against cavities and oral disease has been a constant, ongoing battle. But cavities beware because the tides have turned at Smile For Life Dental in Elgin. Dr. Lodding is offering a natural substance that will increase the strength of your teeth in order to fight off cavity-causing bacteria. This substance is called xylitol, which the American Association for… Continue Reading
Dentist for St Charles IL—Should You Replace Metal Fillings?Your premier dentist for St. Charles IL can help ensure your smile stays at the top of its game no matter what oral issues may arise. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) reports that 92% of adults 20 to 64 have had dental caries in their permanent teeth. This means that 9 out of 10 people encountered every… Continue Reading
An Ever-Ready Smile from your Dentist in the Barrington IL areaYou just never know when life is going to hand you one of those special moments that you remember forever. Your dentist in the Barrington IL area can make sure that your smile is always at its shining best, ready and waiting for when you need it most. Exactly how can your dentist do that for you? The fact is that… Continue Reading
Low Vitamin-B6 may Inflame Geneva Dental PatientsOur Geneva dental expert invites you to have a look in the mirror and at your medical history. Are your gums inflamed and sore? Do complaints to the doctor generally center on slow healing or chronic inflammation? Here’s a medical finding just for you: Published in the Journal of Nutrition, the Framingham Offspring study of 2,229 adults displayed the results of… Continue Reading
Five Reasons your Dentist for St Charles IL Wants to Keep you LaughingEverybody loves a good laugh. What’s more, everyone loves to see you laughing – your friends, your family, your co-workers, even your dentist. St Charles IL residents have so many reasons to laugh, but here are five more that your health professionals want you to know. 1. Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good laugh relieves physical tension and relaxes… Continue Reading
3 Things You Should Know About Chewing Gum—Dental Care in ElginDeveloping positive oral habits is essential in promoting good dental hygiene. Elgin residents need to remember that enjoying a healthy, happy lifestyle involves caring for the health of their teeth and gums. Perhaps you have heard that chewing gum can help protect your oral health. What should you remember about your gum chewing habits? 1. Choice of gum— Not all chewing… Continue Reading
Removing Fear of the Dentist—Dr. Lodding DDS in ElginFor some, there are few subjects that conjure up stress and anxiety like the thought of going to the dentist. But Dr. Lodding DDS is putting Elgin dental patients at ease with the help of empathetic service and modern dental technology. What crosses your mind when you envision a relaxing visit to the dentist? If it involves refreshments, aroma therapy, heated towels,… Continue Reading
Top Dental Care in Elgin for Friends and Family Too!We take pride in the satisfied smiles of our patients after their dental care in our Elgin office. No doubt you too take a lot of pride in the healthy, natural smile that results from keeping your mouth in pristine health through a combination of good home care habits and the personalized care of your dentist. On the other hand,… Continue Reading
Periodontics Team in Elgin Ask: What’s in Your Dental Pockets?There’s evidence that periodontal disease may be a risk factor for dementia through bacterial and viral infections commonly found with periodontal disease. Our periodontics team in Elgin is concerned about whether you’ve had your gum tissues professionally examined recently. Do you experience any bleeding when brushing or flossing? Are your gums puffy? Sensitive? Periodontal infections can result in elevating the… Continue Reading