
Learn More About Our Business, Our Staff, And Our Beliefs

Have you taken time to learn more about our business, our staff, and our beliefs? Before you set up an appointment with us, why not spend some time learning more about us? We’re happy to provide a number of YouTube videos that will help you learn more what we’re all about. Take some time to watch some of our videos… Continue Reading

Tips For Relieving Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, occurs when you don’t have enough saliva, or spit, in your mouth. According to the FDA, prolonged or frequent cases of dry mouth can have negative effects on the overall health of your teeth. To help you prevent and relieve dry mouth, we’d like to share a helpful infographic from the FDA. Here it is: How… Continue Reading

Connect With Us On Twitter!

Have you taken the time to connect with us on Twitter? We wanted to post a quick message reminding you to follow us on Twitter for valuable and interesting information relating to us, our industry, and our community. Take a look at our Twitter stream: new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: ‘search’, search: ‘SmileLifeDental’, interval: 20000, title: ‘Connect with us’, subject:… Continue Reading

Are You Making These Common Oral Health Mistakes?

How well are you taking care of your teeth? Did you know that brushing and flossing your teeth daily isn’t the only way to keep your teeth healthy? There are a lot of other factors that can affect the health of your teeth. Are you making any of the most common oral health mistakes? Find out by learning what they… Continue Reading

Follow Us On YouTube!

Have you taken some time to connect with us on YouTube? We have a lot of helpful videos on our channel that we think you would enjoy watching. To take some time to explore our YouTube channel now, click here.

History of the Toothbrush [VIDEO]

Ever wonder where to toothbrush came from? You might be surprised to learn that it has actually been around for some time! We recently found a great video from SmileLobby that illustrates the history of the toothbrush. Take some time to watch this video now with your family: What did you learn from the video? Were you surprised about how… Continue Reading

Porcelain Veneers: A Great Smile, Fast

Porcelain veneers are the most conservative esthetic restorations available in dentistry today. Strikingly beautiful in color, shape and luminosity, porcelain veneers cover the front of existing teeth, covering gaps and providing balanced proportions. Veneers offer astounding cosmetic improvements in just two visits, giving your smile a definite “wow” factor without excessive or lengthy treatment plans. “My patients achieve natural, healthy-looking… Continue Reading

Warm Patient Care And Team Passion

We want to take some time today to highlight two important features of Smile For Life Dental that you can expect to experience when you come visit us: our warm patient care, and our team passion. In the next two videos, you’ll here from Stephanie, our full-time Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) who brings over fifteen years of valuable experience along… Continue Reading

Types of Cavities [DIAGRAM]

According to the Mayo Clinic, “cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, not cleaning your teeth well, frequent snacking and sipping sugary drinks” (Source). You are probably fairly familiar… Continue Reading

Learn About Laser-Assisted Periodontal (Gum) Therapy

Dr. Lodding is committed to providing the best preventative treatment advanced dentistry has to offer. As an Elgin periodontist providing periodontics with laser therapy, he has increased the ability to serve patients with virtually painless, quick healing and faster acting gum therapy. Gums benefit from laser treatments because of bacterial decontamination, soft tissue recontouring, tissue and bone regeneration, as well… Continue Reading